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Divine Awakening!

12-Steps To Activate Your Divine Connection

Download this freebie too:

  • Create Sacred Space daily

  • Learn how to clear your mind to start the day fresh

  • Creative ways to clear your Energy Field daily

  • Easy way to create Divine Connection

  • Learn to Tune into and TrustHighest Self

  • Expand your Love of Self and Others


Don’t miss out! Get it below!

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Hey, I’m Kristi

I'm a BodyTalk Practitioner, a Psychic, and an Energy Tracker. I help women on their spiritual journey drop the physical, emotional, and mental baggage that they have been carrying around with them for way too long.

The time is now to get Spiritually Lit Up! So that you are in alignment with ease, flow, and creativity. How exciting would it be if you could open up to your intuition and experience more real and Heart-thentic interactions? What would it feel like to expand into your Light into the world with greater Love and Compassion? How would it be living from your Highest Purpose with less effort and more certainty?

If you've ever experienced doubt, anxiety, frustration, grief, feelings of stuckness, you're in the right place. I've worked with hundreds of women in my Soul Alignment and Expansion Sessions, and you will see this is not just nice & fuzzy stuff but actual real life-shifting reality happening here!

Now is the time to get your shift together!

My free guide will help you establish a deeper connection to yourself and to your Divine Essence.